Our Mission, Vision & Values
Our Vision
At Ayming we’re inspired by a vision of businesses achieving sustainable growth and enriching the lives of their employees, customers and communities, with our long-term support.
Our Purpose
The over-arching purpose of everything we do is clear. Simply put, it is to help companies fund their innovation and growth in a sustainable and profitable manner, helping them leap ahead competitively.
Our Mission
Ayming’s mission is to remain best in class and to continue to be recognized as the global leader that companies turn to for honest and strategic support to fuel growth and profitability.
Further Together
Ayming’s success and the success achieved by our clients, hinge on our people – their expertise, values and behaviours.
The culture within Ayming nurtures these values and ways of behaving. ‘Further together’ is how we sum up this culture and our approach to working in teams and with our clients. It is a crucial part of how we attract and retain the brightest talent and create a stimulating and enjoyable working environment.
Ayming’s values are not ordained by our Executive Committee. They are an expression of what our people actually think and feel about their roles and their company.
In 2018 we asked our employees to describe their values in their own words. Focus groups were held in each country where we operate, and an opinion survey of our entire workforce was conducted.
Out of this process were born the values which bind us:
TEAM SPIRIT – The way we work together
We support each other by sharing knowledge and ideas, as well as combining our complementary skills to create the best outcomes.
CREATIVITY – The way we innovate
We investigate and analyse, using our entrepreneurial mind set, industry insights and original thinking to solve problems.
PRAGMATISM – The way we get it done
We focus on client results, creating concrete solutions rooted in our experience and expertise, not in business theory.
OPEN MINDS – The way we communicate
We listen, value all views without bias or presumption, and encourage dialogue, sharing the facts clearly and openly with colleagues and clients.
PASSION – The way we feel
We are engaged and enthusiastic, work in a positive and friendly environment, and are only satisfied when we have achieved truly valuable results.
INTEGRITY – The way we deal
We respect each other and build relationships based on honesty and trust, observing the highest standards of ethics in all our business dealings.