
Grants to Support Canadian Manufacturers helping combat COVID-19

Canadian Government Funding and SR&ED Tax Credits > Insights > Funding Alerts > Grants to Support Canadian Manufacturers helping combat COVID-19
Funding Alerts
March 26, 2020

Grants to Support Canadian Manufacturers

Helping combat the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you are a Canadian manufacturer or business assisting Canada in meeting the demand for medical supplies, there is support for you!

If you can say yes to the following, we want to hear from you.

  • You are a manufacturer located in Canada;
  • You have equipment or facilities that can rapidly meet medical needs for equipment such as: gloves, masks and surgical gowns, sanitizers, wipes, ventilators, and other medical supplies;
  • You have skilled workers who are able to respond and who could be available for work in the current circumstances.

There is direct support for businesses that are rapidly scaling up their production and manufacturing lines to develop products made in Canada that will help in the fight against COVID-19.

Ayming’s team of grant experts are here to walk you through this process. Our continued aim is to support you in improving your business’s operational and financial performance in the best possible way. In these challenging times, we are even more committed than ever to helping you maintain growth and sustain your performance.

To learn more about grant funding to support your business, contact us today.

Contact us today!

One of our experts will be in touch shortly.

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