
How SR&ED Tax Credits Can Fund Innovation in Tetra Pak Packaging

The SR&ED program provides tax credits and funding opportunities for companies tackling technological uncertainties in Tetra Pak packaging

Canadian Government Funding and SR&ED Tax Credits > Insights > Expert Opinion > How SR&ED Tax Credits Can Fund Innovation in Tetra Pak Packaging
Expert Opinion
August 22, 2024

How SR&ED Tax Credits Can Fund Innovation in Tetra Pak Packaging

Tetra Pak packaging has revolutionized the way we store and preserve liquids like milk and juice. However, the quest for continuous improvement in this field often involves significant technological uncertainties. If your company is pushing the boundaries of Tetra Pak packaging, you may be eligible for valuable Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credits. Here’s how you can leverage these incentives to overcome the challenges and innovate in the world of Tetra Pak packaging.

  1. Material Innovation for Sustainability

Technological Uncertainty: Developing new biodegradable or recyclable materials for packaging presents a unique challenge. The goal is to maintain essential barrier properties while ensuring the material is environmentally friendly.


  • Objective: Create a biodegradable film to replace plastic layers in cartons.
  • Challenges: Achieve the same level of protection against moisture and oxygen as conventional materials, ensure cost-effectiveness, and maintain compatibility with existing machinery.
  1. Advanced Barrier Coatings

Technological Uncertainty: Improving the barrier properties of Tetra Pak cartons through advanced coatings requires understanding complex interactions between new materials and existing multilayer structures.


  • Objective: Develop a nanotechnology-based coating for superior barrier protection against oxygen and light.
  • Challenges: Ensure uniform application, avoid impact on product taste or safety, and maintain production efficiency.
  1. Smart Packaging Solutions for Tetra Pak Packaging

Technological Uncertainty: Integrating smart features, such as sensors to monitor freshness, introduces uncertainties related to sensor integration and data communication.


  • Objective: Embed a sensor in the packaging to detect spoilage and communicate with consumers via a smartphone app.
  • Challenges: Miniaturize the sensor to fit within packaging layers, ensure reliable operation without affecting structural integrity, and develop a cost-effective power source.
  1. Aseptic Processing Innovations

Technological Uncertainty: Enhancing aseptic processing technology involves uncertainties in sterilization processes and maintaining packaging integrity.


  • Objective: Improve aseptic filling to reduce energy consumption and increase throughput.
  • Challenges: Ensure the new process maintains sterilization standards, preserves product sterility, and retrofits existing equipment.
  1. Recycling Process Enhancements

Technological Uncertainty: Advancing the recycling process for Tetra Pak cartons, especially in separating material layers, poses significant technological challenges.


  • Objective: Develop an efficient process for separating paper, plastic, and aluminum layers in used cartons.
  • Challenges: Achieve effective separation at a commercial scale, minimize energy and water use, and produce recycled materials meeting quality standards.

Why SR&ED Tax Credits Matter for Tetra Pak Packaging Innovations

The Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) program provides tax credits and funding opportunities for companies tackling technological uncertainties in Tetra Pak packaging. By documenting your R&D activities and demonstrating the systematic investigation of these uncertainties, you could recover some of the costs associated with your innovations.

Ready to explore SR&ED opportunities for your Tetra Pak packaging projects? Contact Ayming Canada today to learn how our expertise can help you navigate the SR&ED process and maximize your funding potential.

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